DISCO Magic with Dr. Rob [Click to send e-mail]
Playlist for August 29, 2003
Song Title
Orchestra Conductor
D I S C O Consultant
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I'm Always Dancin' to the Music Benny Golson [featuring The Waters (Maxine, Julia, Oren, Luther), Jessica Smith, Clydie King] Benny Golson
George Butler
Jules Chaikin
Maurice Spears
Paul Shure/
Los Angeles
Don Hahn
Derek duNann
John Beverly Jones
Bob Hughes
Doug Graves
Bob Higgins
Bernie Grundman
Columbia 1978
Dance (Whoever You Are) Partners Claude Mainguy
D.C. Betancourt
Albert Speguel/
Allen Jacobi
Henry Stone
L. Mainguy
Richie Rivera
T.K. 1979
Another Star LaSo Joe Bataan
Marty Sheller
Irving Spice/
New York
Gus Mossler
Mike Moran
Bob Simpson
Harry Maslin
Ed Schreyer
Rafael Charres
John Luongo
MCA 1977
Sentimental Kisses Kelly Marie Ken Gibson
Jesse Green
Peter Yellowstone
Julien Gaillard/
Richard Dodd
Howard Cross
Tim Painter
Steve Parker
Gordon Milne
Pye 1977
Take Me Home Cher [with Michele Aller, Jon Joyce, David Lasley] Bob Esty [with Michele Aller, Jon Joyce, David Lasley] Sid Sharp/
Los Angeles
Larry Emerine
Stephen Marcussen
Allen Zentz
Casablanca 1979
Philadelphia Freedom MFSB [featuring The Sweethearts of Sigma (Barbara Ingram, Carla Benson, Evette Benton)] Kenneth Gamble
Leon Huff
Dexter Wansel
Don Renaldo/
Joe Tarsia
Jay Mark
Jim Gallagher
Michael Hutchinson
Jim Dougherty
Darrell Rogers
José Rodriguez
Tom Moulton
Philadelphia International 1975
Because of You AC Soulful Symphony [featuring Annie Sutton, Gordon Grody, Kim Carlson, Linda November, Vivian Cherry, Arlene Martell, Helen Miles] Paul Aiello
Irving Spice
Irving Spice/
New York
Joe Cannizzaro
Brian Levi
Eric Breekha
Paul Aiello
Fred Galletti
Bruce Weeden
Ron Vitola
Gary Scarpella
Right On! 1976
Bad Luck Harold Melvin and the Blue Notes featuring Teddy Pendergrass [with The Sweethearts of Sigma (Barbara Ingram, Carla Benson, Evette Benton)] Gene McFadden
John Whitehead
Victor Carstarphen
Bobby Martin
Don Renaldo/
Joe Tarsia
Carl Paruolo
Arthur Stoppe
Dirk Devlin
Jay Mark
Jim Gallagher
Pete Humphreys
Darrell Rogers
Rocky Schnaars
Jeffrey Stewart
José Rodriguez
Tom Moulton
Philadelphia International 1975
And It's Love Skip Mahoaney & the Casuals James Purdie
Matthew Allen
Skip Mahoaney
David Nadien/ New York Bob Clearmountain
Michael DeLugg
Roger Rhodes
Mike Brauer
Don Berman
Ramona Janquitto
Liz Saron
Doug Sax
Rick Gianatos
Abet 1976
Come to Me France Joli [with The Sweethearts of Sigma (Barbara Ingram, Carla Benson, Evette Benton)] Tony Green
Denis Lepage
Louis Gaudriot/
Claude Allard
Gene Leone
Tony Green
Dominick Romeo
Stan Kalina
Prelude 1979
Dance Man El Coco Laurin Rinder
Mike Lewis
William Henderson/
Los Angeles
Joe Bellamy
Galen Senogles
Edward Schaff
John Rosenthal
Rhys Smith
Frank DeLuna
AVI 1979
Don't Mess with the Messer Grace Jones [with The Sweethearts of Sigma (Barbara Ingram, Carla Benson, Evette Benton)] Tom Moulton
John Davis
Don Renaldo/
Jim Gallagher
Ken Present
Wayne Wilfong
Arthur Stoppe
Dirk Devlin
Rocky Schnaars
Peter Humphreys
Marty Atias
Barbara Tiesi
Carl Paruolo
Mike Tarsia
Tom Moulton
Island 1978
To Freak or Not to Freak The Stewart-Thomas Group Randy Stewart
Marvell Thomas
Alfred Brown/
New York
Ralph Moss
Randy Bean
Tim Benedict
Judy Elliot
Robin Martinez
Stu Romaine
Larry Levan
Arista 1979
Black Sunday The Richie Rome Orchestra featuring Sweet Inspirations [Gloria Brown, Myrna Smith, Sylvia Shemwell] Richie Rome Don Renaldo/
Jim Gallagher
Ken Present
Wayne Wilfong
Arthur Stoppe
Dirk Devlin
Michael Hutchinson
Carmine Rubino
Rocky Schnaars
Darrell Rogers
Bruce Bluestein
Frank Lauria
Peter Humphreys
Bill Dorman
Matthew Weiner
Marty Atias
Barbara Tiesi
Caribou 1977
Keep Reaching out for Love Liner Arif Mardin
Cengiz Yaltkaya
Gene Orloff/
New York
Howard Kilgour
Rhett Davies
Andy Lyden
Michael O'Reilly
Randy Mason
Atlantic 1979
Here Comes That Sound Again Love De-Luxe with
Hawkshaw's D I S C O phonia [featuring The Birds of Paris (Sue Glover, Kay Garner, Madeline Bell, Sunny Leslie, Joanne Williams, Stephanie De Sykes, Jackie Sullivan, Jean Hawker)]
Alan Hawkshaw
Don Ray
Pat Halling, John Watson/
Ray Caviano
Bob Siegel
Steve Gilston
Jim Burgess
Warner Bros. 1979
Art Deco New York City Rhythm Orchestra [featuring Annie Sutton, Gordon Grody, Kim Carlson, Linda November, Vivian Cherry, Arlene Martell, Helen Miles] Jimmy Maeulen
Paul A. Sloman
Brad Baker
Gene Orloff/
New York
Don Berman
Bob Clearmountain
Tony Bongiovi
Ray Willard
Tom Millmore
Full House 1976
Let's Go Dancing Solar Heat [with The Waters (Maxine, Julia, Luther, Oren)] John Barnes
Charles Roven
Harry Bluestone/
Los Angeles
Larry Miles
Mark Curry
Jack Roubin
Nicki Turner
Dan Everhart
Lanky Linstrot
MCA 1979
Cuando Calienta el Sol Raul Marrero Joe Cain
Joe Cayre
Gene Orloff/
New York
Bruce Tergese
Ted Spencer
Michael Getlin
David Prentice
Mericana 1979
Love Is Southern Exposure [featuring Debbie Cathey, Jimmie Jamison] Ian Guenther
Willi Morrison
John Luongo
Pete Pederson
Peter Schenkman/
George Semkiw
Stu Romaine
John Luongo
Michael Barbiero
RCA 1979
Get up, Get on, Get out, Get Off Vince Tempera Vince Tempera
Tony Renis
Silvestro Catacchio/
Giuseppe Ranieri
Michele Berardi
Gaetano Vituzzi
Antonio Marzullo
EMI 1976
D I S C O Inferno The Players Association Danny Weiss
Chris Hills
Jack Perricone
Gene Orloff/
New York
Jeff Zaraya
Punky Standell
Danny Weiss
Vanguard 1977
Making the Best of a Bad Situation Ofanchi Ron Roker
Richard Dodd
Trevor Basto
Julien Gaillard/
Richard Dodd
Ron Roker
Tim Painter
Steve Parker
Gordon Milne
RCA 1979
copyright Dr. Rob [Click to send e-mail]